antique netsuke

19 th centuryWooden netsukeHeight: 6.5 cmThis netsuke shows a Pacific Islander with a spyglass or telescope. At the time of the opening of Japan to Western trade and religion, there was genuine concern that the inhabitants of the islands would be terrified by the strange attire and looks of the sailors and Sea Captains. To avoid this, a print of a sailing ship and her crew was circulated. At this time, the first Westerners allowed into Japan were the Dutch, who used Pacific Islanders as crew members. The print showed one such Islander with a spyglass looking out from the ship....

19th centuryWood netsuke. Eyes inlaid in horn  Lenght: 4.2 cmThe hatching tengu levering itself out of a broken egg with both hands while, with one wing, trailing over the shell which is engraved with simulated cracks. The eyes are of pale translucent horn with dark pupils.The Tengu are mythological creatures of ancient japanese tradition identify both as kami (gods) and as yokai (demons). They are usually represented as bird man with a long prominent nose or, as in the case, with a beak. Price band: within 5,000€  Netsuke for sale. Price...

Nagoya school, early 19th century Signed Tadashige  in a rectangular reserveLength: 3.8 cmA sleeping Shojo, the head resting heavily in an upturned hand as it surrenders to the sedative effects of too much sake. The long, delicately carved hair cascades down the body. In reference to the Shojo's natural home by the seashore, she wears a woven outer robe over loose trousers carved with a rippling wave design. The worn reddish-brown wood has a lovely patina.Famous in Japanese folklore for their orangey-red face and hair, a Shojo (literally “heavy...

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