samurai tsuba

Mid Edo Period (1615-1867)Signed Choshu Hagi ju, Kawaji TomonaoCursive inscription on ura side.Nikubori ji-sukashi. Iron with gold inlay.71 x 67 x 4 mmTomonao was from the Kawaji school and was the brother of Tomomichi. He later became independent and founded the Kawaji beppa. As in this case, iron tsuba are usually worked in nikubori ji-sukashi and ita tsuba with sukidashibori. He sometimes combined the methods of the Bushu Ito and Shoami schools.Tsuba for sale 

 evira Faretra da samurai Metà del periodo Edo, 17º-18º secolo
EbiraSamurai open quiverMid Edo period, 17th-18th centuryHeight: 35 cm This black lacquered antique ebira is decorated on the front side with a gold lacquer family crest (kamon) with ishidatami (paving stone) design. High quality level engraved metal kanamono have been applied to decorate and protect all corners and borders.The back side is covered with stenciled dear skin and a belt made of same leather is tied to the sides.On this page is a comprehensive glossary of common terms related to samurai armor.Ebira for sale. Price on application. Please include item stock number:...

Nanban Tosei GusokuIncorporating a cabasset helmetEarly Edo period, 16th-17th century European armor was brought into Japan through trade with Spain and Portugal in the 16th century. With the introduction of firearms, the Japanese would, in fact, imitate those suits of armor, designed to deflect bullets, and began producing them in Japan, which were collectively called nanban (“Southern barbarian”) indicating a foreign origin.This rare composite authentic Japanese samurai armor incorporates interesting elements made in this style as well as an original European helmet...

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