Iron, 8.1 x 7.9 x 0.5 cm
NBTHK Hozon Tōsogu
Specifications: Tatemarugata, tetsu-ji, ji-sukashi, kebori, kaku-mimi ko-niku
The pierced design shows an omodaka plant among canes and a wild goose flying.
Sagittaria water plantain (omodaka) first appeared as a design for tsuba in the Heian period. From such early beginnings, this decorative plant has shared a long history with the samurai. Also known as “shogun’s grass” (shogunso), it was held in high esteem as a symbol of victory.
The tsuba comes with a Hozon Tōsogu certificate (fitting worth of preservation) issued by Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai.
Price band: within 5,000€
Inventory Nr: 1631
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