Woodblock print on paper (oban tate-e),
Suzumushi 鈴虫 (No. 38 Bell Cricket) poem inscribed above
Signed: Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga
Published by: Iseya Ichibei
Genji kumo ukiyoe awase (Ukiyo-e Parallels for the Cloudy Chapters of the Tale of Genji)
36.7 x 24.5 cm
The kabuki actor Nakamura Utaemon IV as Fukuoka Mitsugi defending himself against three attackers.
Each of the fifty-four chapters of The Tale of Genji is named and is associated with a crest called a 'Genji-mon'. In this series, each of the first fifty-four prints portrays various scenes from history, legend, and literature that are suggested by a specific chapter of the novel and the appropriate Genji-mon is shown in the upper left cartouche with a poem. This series consists of one design for each of the fifty-four chapters and six supplementary designs.
Print for sale. Price on application. Please include item stock number: alt-1262
Inventory Nr: 1262
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