
Kyo-sukashi Tsuba with yatsuhashi design

Kyo-sukashi tsuba

16th-17th century
Maru-gata, 8.2 x 8.1 cm; thickness: 5 mm
Elegant iron tsuba with positive openwork yatsuhashi design, with the wooden eight-planked bridge on top, a stylised river on bottom and geese on both sides. The iron is compact, well forged, and shows some tekkotsu on the rim.
Yatsuhashi are wooden bridges that are staggered or set at angles, often seen in Japanese gardens. The theme derives from the 10th century Ise Monogatari tale, in which the story's protagonist and his companions stop to rest at a famous iris marsh traversed by an eight-planked bridge.
Price: 1,800€
Tsuba for sale. Stock number: tsu-1436

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